quinta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2013

Five Spanish Songs

Afinal não sou só eu que me rendo a Sr. Chinarro.

"It was 2013. The English language seemed spent, despicable, not easily singable. It felt over for English; good for business transactions, but that’s about it. The only other language 
I know is Spanish, and the only Spanish songs I really know are those of Sr. Chinarro, led by Antonio Luque. I’ve been a decades-long fan of how he conducted his affairs, his strange words, his melodies that have always felt so natural (this is important), his bitter songs about painting the light. Something about them, I knew I could do it…"

Quem diz o que se lê aí por cima é Dan Bejar, do projeto Destroyer. Já ouvi uma das cinco canções do EP, e adorei. Espero pelas restantes, con agua en la boca.

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